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macros.coffee is Lisp-style macros for CoffeeScript in (under) 100 lines.

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Why CoffeeScript?

  1. CoffeeScript is a tiny language that only compiles down to Javascript, so its AST is pretty easy to work with.

  2. Plus, CoffeeScript has a really flexible syntax, which you need for macros to look like anything.

  3. Too, Javascript's metaprogramming is largely limited to tricks with this, so the control over the meaning of language features offered by macros is correspondingly more attractive.

If you require 'macros.coffee', CoffeeScript will work normally, but it will understand macro definitions of the form

mac foo (ast) -> transformed_ast

... and will automatically macroexpand them in coffeescript files that contain the declaration "use macros". See the docs for core_macros.coffee, or the contents of the test directory, for examples of files that use this declaration.

This isn't written by a Lisp Expert(tm). I just like the experience of writing and using macros; it feels natural, and I miss it outside of Lisp. I wanted to see how close I could get with a minimal implementation.

The github project contains more information, as my blog might from time to time.

Utility Functions

[G_COUNT, p, root]  = [0, console.log, window ? global]
[ fs, path, CS, _, dc ] = (require(s) for s in 'fs path coffee-script underscore owl-deepcopy'.split(' '))

gensym gives names to variables in generated code.

nodewalk walks the nodes of the tree returned by CoffeeScript.nodes. Our visitor callback is handed a 'setter' function that can be used to set the value of the current node; for instance, nodewalk CoffeeScript.nodes(codestring), (n,set)-> set CoffeeScript.nodes "2" uses the setter function to replace the first node encountered with the number 2. Attribution: started life as David Padbury's replacingWalk, extended to cope with walking a mutable tree and passing in parent node.

gensym = (s='')-> "#{s}_g#{++G_COUNT}"

nodewalk = (n, visit, dad = undefined) ->
  return unless n.children
  dad = n if n.expressions
  for name in n.children
    return unless kid = n[name]
    if kid instanceof Array then while kid.length > ((++i if i?) ? i=0)
      visit kid[i], ((node) -> kid[i] = node), dad
      nodewalk kid[i], visit, dad
      visit kid, ((node)-> kid = n[name] = node), dad
      nodewalk kid, visit, dad

isNode = (o)-> o.isStatement? or o.compile?
isValue = (o)->
  for k in 'Number String Boolean RegExp Date Function'.split(' ')
    return yes if _["is#{k}"](o)

deepcopy of the AST using OWL's wonderful deep copy implementation

deepcopy = dc.deepCopy

backquote takes a hash of values and a tree of nodes. For instance, backquote (a:2), quote -> 2 + a would produce 2 + 2. Its definition must be special-cased to recognize names in language features like comprehensions. TODO: tests to see what language features are still not replaceable.

backquote = bq = (vs,ns) ->
  val2node = (val)->if isNode(val) then val else CS.nodes "#{val}"
  nodewalk ns, (n,set)->
    set val2node(vs[s]) if (s=get_name(n)) and vs[s]?
    n.name.value = vs[ss]          if (ss=n.name?.value)  and vs[ss] #no .source allows .vars
    n.index.value = vs[ss]         if n.source? and (ss=n.index?.value) and vs[ss]

uses_macros = (ns)-> r=no; nodewalk(ns,(n)-> r=yes if n.base?.value is "'use macros'"); r

node_name = (n)-> n?.variable?.base?.value
get_name = (n)-> node_name(n) ? n.base?.value

Instance Methods

Our MacroScript instance provides the same API as the CoffeeScript require. eval, compile, and nodes work about the same.

exports.MacroScript = class MacroScript

    @nodes s

  eval: (s,strict=@strict) => eval @compile s,@opts,strict

  compile: (s,opts=@opts, strict=@strict)=>
    @nodes (s ? ''), strict
    @compile_lint @ast, opts

  compile_lint: (n,opts=@opts)-> n.compile(opts).replace(/undefined/g,"")

nodes is a high-level description of the implementation: We get the AST from CoffeeScript, find and compile any macro definitions it may contain, and then expand any calls to those macros that may exist.

  nodes: (str, strict=@strict)=>
    @ast = CS.nodes str
    if !strict or uses_macros(@ast)
      @macroexpand() until @all_expanded()

find_and_compile_macros expands and compiles macro definitions, and calls from within those definitions. (It doesn't touch anything outside of macro definitions, however). By default, it can recognize names of function calls that looks like this: mac foo (n)-> n; that is to say, macroSignifier( nameOfMacro( definitionOfMacroAsFunction) ). We store the nodes of that macro, and a function to recognize it, under the name recognized from its first argument. Replace the macro definition with a comment.

  find_and_compile_macros: =>

    nodewalk @ast, (n,set) =>
      for {name, recognize} in @types when name is recognize n
        name = recognize n.args[0]
        @macros[name] =
          nodes: n.args[0].args[0]
          recognize: (n)->  name if name is recognize n
          compiled: undefined
        set CS.nodes "`//#{name} defined`"

The macro definitions are compiled, taking care to do it in the right order, since they might rely on other macros.

    until @all_compiled()
      for name, {nodes, compiled} of @macros when not compiled
        if @calls_only_compiled nodes
          js = @compile_lint @macroexpand nodes
          @macros[name].compiled = eval "(#{js})"

Once the macros are all compiled, the logic for macroexpansion is simple: if a node is recognized as a macro call, then transform it with that macro's compiled definition.

  macroexpand: (ns=@ast)=>
    expander = (n, set, parent)=>
      for k, {recognize, compiled} of @macros when recognize n
        set compiled(n, parent, @)
        @find_and_compile_macros() # this buys us macro-defining macros.
    nodewalk ns, expander, ns

  all_compiled: =>
    return no for name, {compiled} of @macros when not compiled

  all_expanded: (ast=@ast, iz = yes) =>
    return no for k, {recognize} of @macros when recognize @ast
    nodewalk ast, (n) =>
      iz = no for name, {recognize} of @macros when recognize n

  calls_only_compiled: (ast=@ast, does = yes) =>
    nodewalk ast, (n) =>
      does = no for name, {compiled, recognize} of @macros when !compiled and recognize n


As with CoffeeScript, you can either require CoffeeScript files (that use macros) directly, or you can expand+compile files to Javascript and run that.

Simply require 'module_using_macros' should work,

exports[k]=v for k,v of new MacroScript fs.readFileSync("#{__dirname}/core_macros.coffee",'utf-8')

require.extensions['.coffee'] = (module, fname) ->
  module._compile exports.compile(fs.readFileSync(fname, 'utf-8'),exports.opts, yes), fname

but be aware that command-line compiling is limited; the order that files containing macros are compiled in will matter. And, since CoffeeScript doesn't ship with an easy way to hook its command-line compilation, this implementation takes the easy way out and doesn't support specifying an output directory; the compiled javascript is always written into the same location as the coffeescript.

if module.filename is process.mainModule.filename and names = process?.argv.slice(2)
  for src in names
    p src fs.readFile src, "utf-8", (err, code) ->
      throw err if err
      name = path.basename(src, path.extname(src))
      dir  = path.join(path.dirname(src), "#{name}.js")
      out  = exports.compile code
      fs.writeFile dir, out, (err)-> if err then throw err else p "Success!"